Cara Download [MOD/Trick/Guide] Make CyanogenMod 12.1 Performance and Battery Life Better Update Terbaru

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Berbagi Artikel Tentang [MOD/Trick/Guide] Make CyanogenMod 12.1 Performance and Battery Life Better Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017

Here are some MODS, Tricks and Guides to make your experience with CyanogenMod 12.1 better. This post contains tricks and mods for best battery backup and performance, these really help a lot and I have fully tested them myself
I will try to keep this post updated (hopefully) with new tricks and mods, after my exams are finished
Things you need :
- Must be running CyanogenMod 12.1 or Lollipop 5.1
- All the tweaks and tricks/guides mentioned below are in reference to Star Wars MOD and it's settings. It is an amazing MOD with lot of features and MODS with inbuilt Performance Controls and many cool tweaks. Check it out

Index :
- Performance trick
- Battery save trick
- Gaming tricks
- Fix Encoder issues in CM 12.1 for MTK
- Suggested MODS and Guides
- Explanation 

1. It's better you do it just before sleep and after following all the steps leave the device for the night
2. Go to Death Star Controls
3. Open Kernel Auditor
4. Go to Virtual Memory, make sure swapiness is set to 100 and scroll below and set Z-RAM to 150-250 depending on your RAM and turn on Apply On Boot
5. Go to developer options and change Windows, Transition, Animator scal to 0.5
6. Turn ON Kill app back button
** This drastically increases multitasking and RAM management in 1GB RAM will work in 2GB too (calibrate them according to 2GB most likey insrease each value by 2)
7. Go to PAC Performace/Kernel Auditor and select Build.prop
8. Add new line "ro.max_hidden_apps=16" without "" (16 was the best I could think of )
9. In kernel auditor change these values (screenshots below)

*Tip : Charge to 100% and use a battery calibrator first and then follow these steps
1. Now go to CPU Control in Death Star Controls
2. change minimum frequency to 747MHz (MT6582) and 1040MHz (MT6592)
3. Change maximum frequency to1196MHz (MT6582) and 1300MHz(MT6592)
4. Change governor to "userspace"
5. Go to display settings and turn on adaptive brightness, I have optimized it in Star Wars MOD for best performance and battery saving
6. Switch of Haptic feedback

If you want to game at the same time with new battery changes (PAC Performance)
1. Go to per app mode and turn it ON 
2. Go to profiles and Add an new profile
3. Name it Gaming
4. Minimum frequency to 747MHz (MT6582) or 1196MHz (MT6592) set governor to performance, save it.
5. Go to applications in the same app
6. Select the game and apply this profile
This way you don't have to keep settings every time you want to game.

For Video/Encoder Issues (might/might not work, It is working for me)
1. Make sure you are using Star Wars MOD *This is Important*
2. In PAC Performance select Build.prop
3. find video.accelerate.hw and set it between 2-5 (it does fix it with value 1 but for some people it doesn't)
4. Go to developer options 
5. Turn ON Forge GPU Rendering (can cause issues with some apps but I haven't faced any issue)
6. Turn ON/OFF HW overlays (it depends on device so test by doing both options)
7. Turn ON/OFF AwesomePlayer *Mostly recommended to have it ON* (try testing videos with both options)


Here are some tweaks which can help you increase battery and performance even more :
*Please go and press thanks to apprecaite their work
Battery + Performance Tricks: Click Here
Performance + Battery tweak : Click Here

Some MODS :
Awesome camera MOD : Click Here

Explanation (Sort of) :
Do a reboot and leave the device for the night and sleep. The next day you wake up the battery is properly calibrated with the new CPU settings and if you think
this is due to standby NO, even after heavy usage the next day (today) the battery did pretty good, much better results. Overnight there is not much
CPU usage and the new settings you did get properly callibrated and the ROM starts to use the new stats/settings as they were original

You are free to make changes to these settings, but these were the best settings I could think of for both performane and battery and these settings can be completely forgoton after applying them
because there is nothing else you need to change, best results. And my MT6592 running on V2.2 having a much larger battery than MT6582 gives 71 days standby time and
30 days on medium usage and 14 hours on hevay usage (i know they are just stats) but you can see the results yourself.

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Credits :
Ajit Guraya : For the written guides and the tricks/mods
Xtreme Porting Team (XtremeTeam)

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